Message — Recipero Massage & Wellness

What is massage therapy?

a luxury? health benefit? Stress reducer? A way to cope with chronic pain?

The answer is all of the above! From week to week, we see numerous clients who come in looking for pain relief. Some can’t move their shoulder. Others are suffering from migraines, fibromyalgia, stressful jobs, emotional unease, arthritis, limited range of motion, and the list goes on. We even have clients come in because they are caring for loved ones – that is a full-time, emotional and physical job that can certainly take its toll.

Most often, massage therapy is a last resort for people; a sort of desperate plea after all other avenues have been exhausted. Then there are the occasional clients that are sent our way via doctors and healthcare professionals as part of their treatment plan. We are happy to say that this is happening more and more lately and we are thrilled to a part of our clients’ healthcare team.


Signature Message Services